Casual Friday

we once were a larger collective called “Punch and Judy”: Anna Romanenko (a.k.a. Anna Schiefer), Florian Clewe, Leon Filter, Björn Kühn, Gabriel Hensche, Adrianna Liedtke

Casual Friday ist ein Projekt in 11 Kapiteln
in Kooperation mit der Akademie Schloss Solitude und den Württembergischen Kunstverein Stuttgart


how to reach for the bird's tail
how to observe
how to white balance
how to become an amateur librarian
how to make up the rules as you go along
how to read a function
how to go for a walk
how to cross-bake
how to thunder
how to put up an egg
how to make an attachment

Casual Friday is an expedition beyond the latitude of artistic practice in order to find out if there is such a place and if not, to reinvent it. We postulate this space on the periphery of the widened circuits of skill and authorship and install it as the central place of action. The medium of the expedition is conversation, a conversation perpetually attempting to create and access this place of action.

Asked to be the outside eye and curate a show with the fellows of Akademie Schloss Solitude we considered ways and means of a possible collaboration. We didn't know how to deal with these things. So we decided to take a turn beyond proficiency trying to find out how the fellows did not know how to deal with things and made this investigation a strategy. What do they do if they encounter a blockage or simply don’t work on their art and is it possible to localise this separating line. How do they manage this separation and how are the practices and skills on either side of it intertwined? Do they inform each other and in what way? Or is this question offensive as it is a commonplace that art and life are eventually the same thing and the failure of bringing them together means to fail as an artist?

Thus Casual Friday is a forlorn rescue mission operating along the lines of the artist's skill and on the margins of production trying to get to that lost space, where once leisure and weekends as well as forms of inhibition and obstruction or even that anachronistic idea of the hobby resided.

In order to start the conversation we put our concern in an address to the fellows: