Die Wohnung
Anna Schiefer / Gabriel Hensche / Adrianna Liedtke / Henrik Hillenbrand
Die Wohnung ist eine Stadtführung durch die Weißenhofsiedlung in Stuttgart, die ich mit drei Kommilitonen konzipiert habe. Diese Bauhaus-Führung haben wir Wort für Wort auf andere Orte übertragen.
zuletzt in Kaunas, Litauen

Weissenhof Postkarte angepasst auf Kaunas

Tour in Tel Aviv

tour in Kaunas

Die Wohnung
Retracing universality
Die Wohnung (ger: habitation) is a guided tour through the first Bauhaus housing project worldwide. Experience this same tour in Berlin. Questioning the mechanisms of stock information techniques and the universality of dreams of future living concepts die Wohnung retraces the propagation of the so called “international style” in urban settings.
The title is borrowed from the initial exhibition of the Weissenhof-Settlement in 1923 that put real houses on display. The settlement was conceived as a show of new thinking about an architecture for the future. The ideas that manifested here spread and became a predominant ideology, over time ceasing to be recognizable as such.
Has building become universal, or is it a narrative and a part of our cultural imprint, that shaped our perception? The tour Die Wohnung investigates those prospects by applying them onto different regions of the world asking for their agency and status.